使用 Yandex.Money 的 MNP 虚拟卡节省资金并控制您的费用
发布时间: 2023-05-19 点击:237次

Are you familiar with the feeling of checking your bank account and realizing you’ve spent way more money than you intended to? Or maybe you’re the type of person who just can’t resist a good sale, even if you don’t really need the item?

别担心,你不是一个人!大多数人都曾一度难以控制自己的开支。但是使用 Yandex.Money 的 MNP 虚拟信用卡,您终于可以控制您的开支。
Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Most people have trouble controlling their spending at one time or another. But with Yandex.Money’s MNP virtual credit card, you can finally take control of your expenses.

那么,究竟什么是虚拟信用卡?这是一种数字卡,可用于在线或店内购物。 Yandex.Money 的 MNP 虚拟卡对于那些想要控制开支的人来说是一个不错的选择。
So, what exactly is a virtual credit card? It’s a digital card that you can use to make purchases online or in-store. The MNP virtual card from Yandex.Money is a great option for those who want to keep their spending in check.

首先,MNP虚拟卡上手简单。您需要做的就是创建一个 Yandex.Money 帐户并申请该卡。获得批准后,您可以立即开始使用它。
First of all, it’s easy to get started with the MNP virtual card. All you need to do is create a Yandex.Money account and apply for the card. Once you’ve been approved, you can start using it right away.

MNP 虚拟卡的一大优点是它允许您设置消费限额。这意味着您每个月只能花费一定数量的钱,这是保持在预算范围内的好方法。另外,您不必担心超支和欠债。
One of the great things about the MNP virtual card is that it allows you to set a spending limit. That means you can only spend a certain amount of money each month, which is a great way to stay within your budget. Plus, you won’t have to worry about overspending and racking up debt.

MNP 虚拟卡的另一个好处是它被广泛的商家所接受。无论您是在线购物还是实体店购物,您都可以使用您的卡进行购买。
Another benefit of the MNP virtual card is that it’s accepted at a wide range of merchants. Whether you’re shopping online or in-store, you can use your card to make purchases.

但是,如果您需要现金怎么办?没问题!您可以使用 MNP 虚拟卡轻松地从您在中国的 Perfect Money 钱包中提取现金。就是这样:
But what if you need cash? No problem! You can easily withdraw cash from your Perfect Money wallet in China using your MNP virtual card. Here’s how:

第 1 步:登录您的 Yandex.Money 帐户并转到“卡”部分。
Step 1: Log in to your Yandex.Money account and go to the “Cards” section.

Step 2: Click on “Add a new card” and select “MNP virtual card.”

第 3 步:输入您的 Perfect Money 钱包的详细信息,包括您的钱包号码和密码。
Step 3: Enter the details of your Perfect Money wallet, including your wallet number and password.

第 4 步:一旦您的卡与您的钱包相关联,您就可以从 ATM 机提取现金或使用它进行购买。
Step 4: Once your card is linked to your wallet, you can withdraw cash from ATMs or use it to make purchases.

看?就这么简单!使用 Yandex.Money 的 MNP 虚拟卡,您终于可以控制您的开支并开始省钱。那么为什么不今天就试一试呢?
See? It’s that easy! With Yandex.Money’s MNP virtual card, you can finally take control of your expenses and start saving money. So why not give it a try today?