发布时间: 2023-05-19 点击:253次

您是否厌倦了将辛苦赚来的钱浪费在接受全球支付的高额服务费上?那么,Payoneer 可能就是您正在寻找的解决方案。通过其收款账户服务,您可以在本地银行账户中以低交易费用和实时转账接收跨境支付。此外,Payoneer 有一个联盟计划,可以让您从推荐中赚钱。但请注意,Payoneer 提款可能需要一些时间才能到达您的银行账户,而且服务费可能相当可观。因此,请务必事先检查条款和条件。
Are you tired of wasting your hard-earned money on hefty service charges for receiving global payments? Then, Payoneer might be the solution you are looking for. With its collection account service, you can receive cross-border payments in your local bank account with low transaction fees and real-time transfers. Moreover, Payoneer has an affiliate program that allows you to earn money from referrals. However, be careful as Payoneer withdrawal might take some time to reach your bank account, and the service charge could be considerable. So, always check the terms and conditions beforehand.

现在您已经设置了 Payoneer 帐户,让我们来谈谈如何轻松购买 Webmoney。支付宝是中国最受欢迎的支付平台之一,它接受 Webmoney 作为支付方式。以下是使用支付宝购买 Webmoney 的方法:
Now that you have your Payoneer account set up, let’s talk about purchasing Webmoney easily. Alipay, one of China’s favorite payment platforms, accepts Webmoney as a payment method. Here’s how you can buy Webmoney using Alipay:

第 1 步:打开支付宝应用程序或访问他们的网站。
Step 1: Open the Alipay app or visit their website.

第 2 步:使用您的凭据登录并导航至“付款”选项卡。
Step 2: Sign in using your credentials and navigate to the “Payment” tab.

第 3 步:选择“其他付款方式”并从列表中选择“Webmoney”。
Step 3: Select “Other Payment Methods” and choose “Webmoney” from the list.

Step 4: Enter the amount you want to purchase and confirm the payment.

第 5 步:瞧!您已经使用支付宝成功购买了 Webmoney。
Step 5: Voila! You have successfully bought Webmoney using Alipay.

通过使用这种方法,您可以在国际交易中节省大量资金,因为支付宝不收取购买 Webmoney 的任何额外服务费。
By using this method, you can save a considerable amount of money on international transactions because Alipay does not charge any additional service fees for buying Webmoney.

但是,请注意在此过程中可能产生的隐藏服务费用。有些供应商可能会向您收取高于 Webmoney 标准市场费率的费用,从而削减您的利润。购买前检查多个供应商的费率。
However, be aware of the potential hidden service charges incurred in the process. Some vendors may charge you more than the standard market rate for Webmoney, cutting into your profits. Check rates across multiple vendors before buying.

总之,Payoneer 和支付宝分别为中国用户接收跨境支付和购买数字货币提供了一种简单且负担得起的解决方案。但请记住,始终检查隐藏的服务费和费率,以最大限度地提高您的收入。
In conclusion, Payoneer and Alipay provide an easy and affordable solution for Chinese users to receive cross-border payments and buy digital currencies, respectively. But remember, always check for hidden service charges and rates to maximize your earnings.