发布时间: 2023-05-19 点击:228次

如果您想在俄罗斯的电子商务中取得成功,您需要提供当地人喜欢的支付方式。虽然信用卡和网上银行在其他国家很流行,但在俄罗斯,许多人更喜欢使用电子钱包。在俄罗斯,没有比 QIWI 钱包更受欢迎的电子钱包了。
If you want to be successful in e-commerce in Russia, you need to offer the payment options that locals prefer. While credit cards and online banking are popular in other countries, in Russia, many people prefer to use e-wallets. And there’s no e-wallet more popular in Russia than QIWI Wallet.

那么,QIWI 钱包到底是什么?它是一家支付服务提供商,允许用户存储和汇款、支付账单以及进行在线和离线购买。它拥有超过 2500 万活跃用户,是俄罗斯最受欢迎的电子钱包。
So, what exactly is QIWI Wallet? It’s a payment service provider that allows users to store and send money, pay bills, and make online and offline purchases. With over 25 million active users, it’s the most popular e-wallet in Russia.

作为电子商务商家,您应该考虑接受 QIWI 电子钱包付款的原因有很多。首先,它是俄罗斯广泛接受和信任的支付方式。其次,它易于使用,方便客户使用。第三,它既快速又安全,这意味着您可以更快地获得付款并且欺诈风险更低。
As an e-commerce merchant, there are several reasons why you should consider accepting QIWI Wallet payments. First, it’s a widely accepted and trusted payment method in Russia. Second, it’s easy to use and convenient for customers. And third, it’s quick and secure, which means you’ll get paid faster and with less risk of fraud.

QIWI Wallet 的另一个好处是它不仅仅用于在线支付。客户还可以使用 QIWI Wallet 在指定零售点甚至自动售货机上离线支付商品和服务。
Another benefit of QIWI Wallet is that it’s not just for online payments. Customers can also use QIWI Wallet to pay for goods and services offline, at select retail locations and even at vending machines.

但接受 QIWI 电子钱包付款不仅对您的客户有利。这对您的业务也有好处。研究表明,提供多种支付方式可以提高销售额和客户忠诚度。借助 QIWI Wallet,您将能够进入一个巨大的电子商务购物者市场,这些购物者更喜欢使用电子钱包付款。
But accepting QIWI Wallet payments isn’t just good for your customers. It’s also good for your business. Studies have shown that offering a variety of payment options can increase sales and customer loyalty. And with QIWI Wallet, you’ll be able to tap into a huge market of e-commerce shoppers who prefer to pay with an e-wallet.

那么,您如何开始使用 QIWI 钱包呢?这很容易!只需在 QIWI 网站或通过 QIWI 应用程序注册一个帐户即可。注册后,您就可以开始接受 QIWI 钱包用户的付款。
So, how do you get started with QIWI Wallet? It’s easy! Simply sign up for an account on the QIWI website or through the QIWI app. Once you’re registered, you can start accepting payments from QIWI Wallet users.

总而言之,如果您是希望在俄罗斯拓展业务的电子商务商家,则需要提供 QIWI 电子钱包付款。它是俄罗斯最受欢迎的电子钱包,对客户来说易于使用、方便且安全。通过提供 QIWI 电子钱包支付,您将能够进入一个巨大的电子商务买家市场,这些买家更喜欢使用电子钱包进行支付。
To sum it up, if you’re an e-commerce merchant looking to expand your business in Russia, you need to offer QIWI Wallet payments. It’s the most popular e-wallet in Russia, and it’s easy to use, convenient, and secure for customers. And by offering QIWI Wallet payments, you’ll be able to tap into a huge market of e-commerce buyers who prefer to pay with an e-wallet.