告别 QIWI:接下来是您的付款方式吗?
发布时间: 2023-05-18 点击:193次

您是数百万依赖 QIWI 进行日常支付的俄罗斯人中的一员吗?好吧,准备好寻找新的支付提供商,因为 QIWI 将于 2025 年 3 月退出俄罗斯市场。
Are you one of the millions of Russians who rely on QIWI for your daily payments? Well, get ready to look for a new payment provider, because QIWI will be exiting the Russian market in March 2025.

QIWI 目前在俄罗斯拥有约 50% 的 POS 终端市场份额,使其成为该国最著名的第三方支付选项之一。此外,VTB、Sberbank 和 Promsvyazbank 等主要银行的支付网络也依赖 QIWI。那么,一旦 QIWI 消失,这些企业及其客户的未来会怎样?
QIWI currently has a hold on approximately 50% of the POS terminal market share in Russia, making it one of the most prominent third-party payment options in the country. In addition, major banks such as VTB, Sberbank, and Promsvyazbank are also reliant on QIWI for their payment networks. So, what will the future hold for these businesses and their customers once QIWI is gone?

幸运的是,俄罗斯有其他可用的支付服务提供商,例如 WebMoney、YooMoney、RBK Money 和 Robokassa。例如,WebMoney 已在全球 70 个国家/地区开展业务,并提供多种保护功能以确保您的支付安全。
Fortunately, there are alternative payment providers available in Russia, such as WebMoney, YooMoney, RBK Money, and Robokassa. WebMoney, for example, has a presence in 70 countries worldwide and provides multiple protection functions to keep your payments safe.

YooMoney 是俄罗斯另一家受欢迎的电子支付提供商,是 Yandex 和 Sberbank 的合资企业。作为该国最大的供应商,它提供广泛的服务和安全措施,以确保您的交易顺利和安全。
YooMoney is another popular electronic payment provider in Russia and is a joint venture between Yandex and Sberbank. As the largest provider in the country, it offers a wide range of services and security measures to ensure that your transactions are smooth and secure.

在数字交易时代,了解并了解支付领域发生的变化非常重要。虽然 QIWI 可能会退出市场,但这为其他支付提供商提供了进入并取而代之的机会。谁知道呢——几年后,可能会出现一个新玩家,甚至超过 QIWI 在俄罗斯取得的成功。
In the age of digital transactions, it is important to stay informed and aware of the changes happening in the payment realm. While QIWI may be leaving the market, this presents an opportunity for other payment providers to come in and take its place. Who knows – in a few years, a new player may come along that surpasses even the success QIWI had in Russia.

So, stay informed and keep an eye out for new players in the payment game. After all, you never know when your current provider may pull the plug.

Tags: QIWI, Payment Terminal, Third-Party Payment, WebMoney, YooMoney.